It happened quicker than expected: U.S. compelled to bust the terror rat nest it built with its own money and weapons
In his very short list of achievements - and with just two more winters to be spent in the WH - Obama wished to be remembered as the US President who ordered the troops out of Iraq with the promise never to allow US boots on Iraqi soil again. Now he has no other choice but to get involved in exactly what he wanted to shun. Foley's brutal beheading might help Obama get enough approval for resuming the "war on terror." But the expression "Iraq war" must carefully be avoided as most Americans view it as a foreign policy gaffe, an awful disaster and a typically "Bush-ian" idea. Escalation of rhetoric leads to escalation of policy, making it crucial to match rhetoric with action. Obama stated ISIS is "cancer" and "does not belong to the 21st century." Kerry said "ISIS will be crushed." The White House prefers to work on Kerry's statement rather than Obama's, shifting from restraint to combat which implies ignoring all geographical boundaries and expanding the fight into the heart of Syria. To make a long story short, it's unlikely that the second upcoming chapter on the "war on terror" will crush ISIS any time soon. It could do a lot of other horrible things we cannot comprehend at the moment. It will certainly not help Assad nor is it supposed to. This is one of those rare stories where the enemy's enemy is not a friend. Worst of all, the combination of egocentrism and imperialism will never allow the US to learn its lessons and recognize the risks, hazards and far-reaching consequences of creating monsters for promoting Israeli interest.
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