"And now you also have to be skinny, and you have to look 20 when you’re 40. It’s too much." This was recently stated by a Hollywood celebrity herself, Selma Hayek, on the unrealistic and tough expectations women have to cope with in Hollywood.
Source: Here
Hollywood is supposed to be located in the land of the feminists yet it pressures women with the most cumbersome responsibilities with little or no respite. At 77, Jane Fonda is struggling to look 50 or younger by going under the knife for procedures such as ..
1) Removal of bags under her eyes.
2) Jawline readjustment.
3) Neck operation (or neck enhancement).
4) Chin implant.
5) Breast implants.
6) Two full facelifts which include removal of crows' feet, parenthesis lines and frown lines etc. Never believe this old hag liar when she claims she didn't have her crows' feet treated with the help of plastic surgery.
7) Dental implants with complete set of new upper and lower teeth.
Good grief !!!! And I'm sure I missed out a few more procedures including likely cheekbone implants.
She now boasts she will teach "pensioners how to stay in shape" while gossip magazines tout a diet full of veggies, fruits and plenty of workout to compliment these folks for no wrinkles at 77 so women with lesser financial means start hating themselves reading such nonsense.
Hollywood won't allow these poor women to accept themselves for who they are. They got be accepted by the society for who they are not. Shackled, hypnotized and left to enjoy the reverie; that's the truest definition of human bondage.
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