The British documentary "India's daughter" based on the gang rape and brutal murder in 2012 of a 23-year-old student traveling in an Indian bus consists of a prison interview with one of the killer rapists who had the nerves to say that the victim should not have fought back, implying that rape victims are not entitled to defend themselves which can be taken as a justification for killing them.
Additionally, hatred for transparency of Indian authorities doesn't help either. Because of the jailhouse interview they have prohibited all television channels from broadcasting this documentary, ignoring the fact that for their own security Indian women have the right to know of the depths of bestiality that prevail within the bulk of their nation's depraved males. This criminal's words isn't a freak or an isolated idea. It's a widespread mentality problem in a misogynistic land where females have for centuries been seen as nothing beyond chattel slaves to be used as door mats and only for the purpose of procreation.
Complacency over rape and its acceptance as a system in Indian society reached its zenith when a prominent politician, Mulayam Singh Yadav, stated in a rally in March 2014 quote: "Three poor fellows have been sentenced to death. Should rape cases lead to hanging? They are boys, they make mistakes." This politician should have been ordered to step down immediately as he deserves the death penalty just as much as the criminals he defends.
New Delhi bus attack - killer rapist says victim shouldn't have fought back
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