Image source: Long War Journal
Looks like AQAP (Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula) presently very active
in Yemen will be the prime beneficiary of this war. Intervention of
Saudi coalition in Yemen backed by US and Britain has helped AQAP grow
stronger than ever. As the war drags on, it continues to facilitate
AQAP to get more deep-seated inside Yemen, silently establishing its
Yemeni emirate and hoisting the same flag as ISIL in Syria and Iraq.
The terror group is also trying to win the hearts of people in the
marginalized tribal areas of southern Yemen, arranging the availability
of food and fuel amidst widespread starvation and misery.
There is plenty of talk among US observers that AQAP is the most dangerous of
all AQ groups. Yet the US government prefers to ignore them. Though
the Shiite uprising in Yemen is viewed as a threat by Saudi
Arabia, the United States and its Western allies consider the destruction of
Syria and weakening the Axis of Resistance of greater importance. In
the meantime in Yemen,
AQAP is successfully moving in ammunition, training new recruits and
sending them to the battle front to fight Ansarullah. For one year until
April 2016, AQAP controlled Yemen's Hadramout province including the
port city of Mukalla, using it as a base. It also formed a council to
govern the city.
Another proxy war sponsored by imperialist powers and their lackeys has achieved its goal. Chaos and terror have permanently been established in Yemen to stifle the voices of those demanding sovereignty.
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