News streaming in from Syria that east & north Aleppo almost fully liberated from Western backed terrorist gangs who resorted to using mustard gas as last ditch effort. Syrian Army is evacuating civilians.
Fact check @ Syrian Free Press | Wordpress
East Aleppo liberated
Syrian Army & allies take control Masaken Hanano in Aleppo
Aleppo fully liberated from terrorists
Image: Syrian Free Press links above.
The problem is that terror reinforcements continue to pour in through the open borders of Turkey. That's a bit like trying to drain the water from the bathtub with the faucet running. Over a month ago when the world began noticing signs of Al-Qaeda's defeat in east Aleppo, a tearful John Kerry stated to the media .. "So even if Aleppo were to fall that would not change the fundamental equation in this war because other countries will continue to support opposition, and they will continue to create more terrorists and Syria will be the victim in the end as well as the region." In Kerry's own words that was a plain admission that the U.S. and its allies will never give up trying and arming Al Qaeda until the West succeeds in toppling the Syrian Government. To expect Trump's policies to be vastly different might be wishful thinking, particularly after learning that the chances are he will appoint his closest ally, Rudy Giuliani, as Secretary of State. This faggot is one of the meanest faces within the U.S. establishment, just as war crazy as Clinton. If he comes to office, he will simply continue from where she left.
And the joke ....
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is one of the largest international news agency with its headquarters in Paris. But its ignorance of Syria's geography is mind boggling. AFP thinks Damascus is located in Aleppo .. referring to Damascus as "one of the last opposition bastions" in Aleppo. This news was also posted in Yahoo, MSN, Yahoo UK and several more via AFP; none of them corrected the glaring error except for South Front. War in Syria has been going on for nearly six years; yet none of them know that Damascus is the capital of Syria and the only city in Damascus Governorate while Aleppo Governorate is 400 km north.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is one of the largest international news agency with its headquarters in Paris. But its ignorance of Syria's geography is mind boggling. AFP thinks Damascus is located in Aleppo .. referring to Damascus as "one of the last opposition bastions" in Aleppo. This news was also posted in Yahoo, MSN, Yahoo UK and several more via AFP; none of them corrected the glaring error except for South Front. War in Syria has been going on for nearly six years; yet none of them know that Damascus is the capital of Syria and the only city in Damascus Governorate while Aleppo Governorate is 400 km north.
Image of the following tweet by Lina Arabi says it all.
In the meantime, Turkey and its Western allies persist to dupe the world claiming Turkey is shelling Daesh positions in northern Aleppo "to clear terrorists from border area." Truth tells a different story. Turkey is shelling Kurdish forces in Syria obstructing their operations against Daesh, a stance that favors Daesh. Turkey's long term relations with Daesh has shifted from an open secret to an open fact. Hundreds of Daesh fighters have their families, properties and small businesses located all over Turkey. For years these fighters have used Turkey as their safe haven the borders as secure passages between Turkey and Syria. Even if Turkey has had a fallout with Daesh, it's only to replace Daesh with some other Al Qaeda faction in the name of "rebels" to continue the war until Syrian sovereignty is shattered. Currently Tayyip Erdogan's fav is Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) with small numbers of Syrian and Egyptian 'brotherhooders' riding on their coattails. But that doesn't mean he has divorced Daesh. No matter how many times thugs detonate deadly car bombs in Istanbul or Ankara or in the Turkish border towns, neither Daesh nor Nusra nor Ahrar nor Liwa nor Zinki etc. are Tayyip's real enemies. The impact of the failed coup d'état of July 15, 2016 has left Tayyip frightened, paranoid and emotionally unstable. He cannot get over the obsession of a post-coup revenge. Planning widespread crackdowns on Turks from different walks of life, their torture and rape is Tayyip's only assignment of interest. As recently as late October and early November, 73 pilots, 71 lieutenants and two colonels were arrested over alleged links with Fethulah Gulen. Academics and lawyers across the country have been victims of similar brutality. Turkish diplomats and soldiers with their families stationed at NATO command centers across Europe have requested for asylum. They are too afraid to return home for fear of arrest and torture.
The other joke: Tayyip Erdogan
is accusing E.U. it of "sheltering terrorist soldiers." He has never
talked of any of the Al Qaeda groups as "terrorists" but does see his
own soldiers as "terrorists."
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