Lately there have been plenty of protests around the world. The one in Beirut was the largest. Except for Israel, Saudi Arabia and India, no one has accepted Trump's decision on Jerusalem. Even America's European allies as well as liberal Jews have voiced deep concern. It is widely assumed that though the American Jewish lobbies are elated, the driving force behind this decision has been the Christian Zionists - the evangelical advisory council - that advises POTUS on religious issues of priority to US evangelical leaders. Additionally the negative influence of the girly son-in-law is bubbling with evil. Kushner has been foremost in cutting a deal with the ever greedy Bin Salman, promising him complete support from US government and US Jewish lobbies in his campaign against Iran, if he accepts a decision on Palestine in Israel's favor.
Soon after Saad Hariri was summoned to Riyadh, kidnapped and released after a fortnight, it was Mahmoud Abbas' turn for an urgent meeting with Bin Salman in Riyadh. Purportedly the 'take it or leave it' proposal put on the table before Abbas was allowing Israel to keep all illegal settlements in the West Bank and henceforth establishing a non-contiguous Palestinian entity, as well as recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In return, Abbas could have Abu Dis as his capital and consider it a 'generous' offer. It left the Palestinian leader aghast. He rejected the proposal and refused to sign the text. His rejection was ignored with an ultimatum that he might be coerced to resign at some point in future. By the way, Abu Dis is a tiny village near Jerusalem city with an area of 10 sq.miles and a population of 12,000.
Kushner and MbS have been indulging in dodgy deals for the past one year. But this time the morsel of food these buggers have bitten off could be much more than they can chew and swallow.
Beirut, December 9. Protest near US Embassy.
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