White Helmets: Evacuation of Fake Heroes

July 22, 2018 family of a White Helmet terrorist boards an Israeli bus.  Hundreds of them have been evacuated by Israeli defense forces.  It started as the "covert July 22 operation."  It's now overt.  Even the mainstream outlets acknowledge it.  These fake heroes of the hidden branch of AlQaeda will transit through Israel to their ultimate destinations in U.K. and various European countries.  
Image: Islam Times.

As the war seems to augur well for Assad, U.S. and Britain are preparing to evacuate White Helmets - the hidden branch of AlQaeda - posing as humanitarian workers for the last 5 years. Reportedly, withdrawal of White Helmets "is in line" with U.S. withdrawal from Syria. It was one of the important issues discussed at the recent NATO summit in Brussels this month.

Since April 2018 the U.S. State Department has dramatically reduced its funding of White Helmets as the group isn't expected to stay in Syria much longer. It's also a plain acknowledgement from the U.S. that the Syrian government is fast regaining control of its country.

Founded by the British intelligence MI5 in 2013, White Helmets has received hundreds of millions of dollars from U.K., U.S., France, Germany, Netherlands, Qatar and Japan. U.S. and Britain fear that as government forces in Syria retake their territories, these phony volunteers could be clobbered if they aren't rescued soon. 

At the NATO summit,  effing America made it clear that it wouldn't take a single one of them after evacuation despite feeding them with millions since 2014. Remember that factual joke about the filth-bag Raed Saleh (Wh chief) in Oct.2016?  The State Department prepared a "peace award" for him for murdering as many as he did in Syria to frame Assad.  But when Saleh arrived in Washington to attend the ceremony and pick his award, his visa was immediately cancelled and he was deported back to Turkey from Dulles International Airport with the message that the award would be delivered there. A vivid example of the depth of ass stinking manipulation by the US establishment, conveniently keeping the criminal out of their own soil yet eagerly assisting his bloodied mission in other lands and also awarding him for his destruction .. but from a distance. 

Image from mr online

Talk show hosts and their guests in mainstream channels have begun spewing insinuations about prosecuting the Syrian government for war crimes through evidences from White Helmets.  These buggers talk big, act small.  They know much too well that 'evidence of White Helmets' would be far more damning than 'evidence from White Helmets.'   Image above an example.

As the brave and persevering Bashar al-Assad stays resolute on terror eradication and liberation of Syria from Western / Zion proxies ........

Big news is flashing all over international circles.    425 White Helmets "rescued" from Syria by Israel.  250 will be arriving in Canada after evacuation under headlines "dramatic escape."  

Just LMFAO.   

Until recently when Syrian men, women and children seeking protection from AQ shellings and rocket launchers moved close of  occupied Golan Heights, Israel warned them to leave or face death at the hands of IDF, announcing "Israel won't take a single refugee from Syria"  (not to forget Golan Heights is Syrian territory stolen by the descendants of Hagana and Irgun).  And now those same fart-holes are assisting to evacuate over 400 confirmed murderers.  Most reports stated the actual number of WHs airlifted by Israel is 800 later revised to 425.  But actually the revised figure is wrong. It was done only to downplay the vile of the Satan of TelAviv who has been working his ass out on this rescue mission as Assad's forces are now very close to most terrorist-held areas inside Syria.  Yes, Israel has  bailed out close to 800 .. nearly one-third of the total number of this branch of criminals.  Birds of a feather ... killers assist killers. 

Damascus has already given a loud and blunt statement asserting the evacuation a "criminal operation."  SANA quoted the Syrian Foreign Ministry's response  "The operation carried out by Israel and its subordinates is criminal, it revealed the true nature of the so-called White Helmets;  evacuation by the US, the UK, Jordan, Germany and Canada attests to the fact that these countries back terrorists in Syria."

That ever-faithful spy, Jordan, couldn't resist helping this dirty mission.

Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki on July 16 restored the Golan Heights 1974 Agreement. Nothing generous here. It's the same old signature humbug and deceit. The 1974 agreement permits Israel to continue its occupation of Golan lands with just a small portion under Syrian control, that is Quneitra province, which came under AlQaeda occupation since 2011 and was liberated by the Syrian Army recently on July 20, 2018. That's the only bit of good news. The province closest to Israeli occupied Golan Heights was the first to come under AlQaeda occupation was no co-incidence, was it?

Withdrawal of Israeli forces which was also one of the terms of this agreement was never observed by Israel and will continue to be violated. IDF admits it has carried out more than 100 airstrikes in Syrian territory (thru occupied Golan Heights) since the beginning of the war.
