In case you don't know of the post-1948 theft of Nabi Saleh (West Bank, Occupied Palestine) .....
An-Nabi Saleh (West Bank) is a lovely village of 600 Palestinians snatched away by at least 1,100 Jewish land grabbers .... the robbery spilling much beyond 1948 boundaries. They trespassed into Nabi Saleh in 1977 and had been silently expanding their illegal settlements. In 2009 they expropriated the land around Nabi Saleh's natural spring, Ain-al-Qaws. In 1978 IDF barred Palestinians from accessing Ain al-Qaws, an important source of fresh water for Palestinian residents of An-Nabi Saleh. This act of IDF made it easier for many more greedy Ashkenazi marauders to enter the village of Nabi Saleh. Widespread weekly resistance in Nabi Saleh against this brutal, shameless theft began in 2009 that has cost many young Palestinians their lives. ........ And Zionism calls it ""terrorism.""
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