Killer Suu Kyi loses another award

Sweden's shamed Nobel Institute is the only organization that refuses to withdraw its "peace prize" despite the confirmation of Suu Kyi's complicity in gruesome mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing. The Nobel chief's appalling comment was an acknowledgement that nobel laureates, after acquiring their prize, are entitled to participate in criminal activities. Quoting his disgraceful statement: "There has always been and there always will be Nobel laureates that are doing things after they've been awarded the prize which we do not approve of or which we don't think are the right things. That we cannot avoid I think."

Not surprising.  A member of this institute that hands out nobel prize in literature is facing accusations for serial sexual abuse and assaults taken place systematically over the past 20 years. Additionally, he and his wife are also accused of stealing the academy's funds. Yet they continue to be associated with the nobel institute. What would such buggers care if a "nobel laureate" practices bestiality?
