Severe and widespread torture by Indian police and military used systematically as "instrument of control" was never a secret despite India's stubborn denial and silence of its allies. But the milestone 560-page report released yesterday, May 20, titled "Torture" is an official confirmation of this gross brutality. Methods of torture include severe beating with heavy objects, burning with cigarette butts and red-hot iron rods, mutilation, exposure of body to high electric shocks causing cardiac arrest in many cases, sexual abuse / humiliation (rape, sodomy), waterboarding often with chilli powder .... the 'diversity' in torture-styles is quite endless and continues until the present with no respite even in the month of Ramadan.
'Torture' was released by the "Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) and the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS)."
Please, please remember these very unfortunate and defenseless people in your prayers.
India and Israel .. who is tutoring whom would be a tough guess. The greater likelihood is that it's mutual.
India and Israel .. who is tutoring whom would be a tough guess. The greater likelihood is that it's mutual.
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