A new agonizing weapon to be used by Indian occupying forces on unarmed protesters.

India claims sound cannons are "less lethal" than pellet guns blinding the demonstrators. Sound cannons are as lethal, not less lethal. Even in the U.S. where violence by police isn't rare, courts have confirmed that sound cannons are dangerous and an 'unconstitutional abuse of force.'

The high-pitched, ear piercing sound cannons are audible over a long distance. Immediate after-effects are severe migraine, tinnitus, vomiting, vertigo, sinus pain and impaired hearing. Perforation of the eardrums is common which means permanent loss of hearing.  Hearing loss has also been observed in wild animals in surrounding areas. It often gets a lot worse. The waves of the sonic blaster have devastating effects on the central nervous system causing not just hearing loss but also distorted vision.   The thunderous impact leads to serious health conditions within a short period. By the time you reach home, your heart could be beating as much as 300 times a minute (that is, 5 times per second!), with very high risk of a stroke unless treated immediately. The deafening sound waves have a tendency to heat up the body cells with various major health implications including "air embolism" in the lungs that quickly travels to the heart and kills the person.

This idea has been borrowed from Israel. Mutual consultation between the two countries has for long been an important segment of their foreign policy for inflicting harm on unarmed protesters. Israel first deployed this weapon eight years ago called the "Scream." Sometimes it's also called the "Howl" .. .. a vehicle-launched sonic blaster releasing repeated bursts of ear-splitting noises on protesters leaving them dizzy, disoriented, retching and throwing up ..... the noise beams rattling the human skull off balance up to distances of 900 feet or beyond from the place where the sonic gun is shot.

Nor has India assured it would stop using pellet guns. In all likelihood, the sound device will be utilized in addition to pellet guns. A nation as repressive as that, yet the mind boggling hypocrisy on the international stage!