As Iranian tanker Grace1 prepares to leave Gibraltar after 6 weeks of detention, United States says it has obtained a "warrant" to seize it again. What "warrant"?? A "warrant" forged by the Trump mafia hiding in the Oval Office.
A few days earlier when news came around that the U.K. government had decided to release Grace1, the senile klanny in Washington DC instantly began frowning, scowling, moaning, whining, breaking wind .... non-stop. Then suddenly, his administration says it has obtained a "warrant." Ashamed of its own intentions and actions, instead of acknowledging it's preparing for another pirate attack at sea (not proxy this time), the age-old historical act of buccaneering is painted with a new brush for a touch of presentability -- 'obtained a warrant.' Idiosyncratic anus-holes !!
Analysts are pondering whether these anus-holes will go it alone or receive help from their British counterparts or Interpol.
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