India's hilarious moon landing mission: This country cannot stop being a loser again and again and again
India's moon lander mission unaccomplished and total failure, as dictator & terrorist Modi consoles a crying scientist.
Recently India sent an unmanned moon-lander to space to discover if there was water in the moon. Whoa! This asshead country doesn't know that people began exploring the moon five decades ago and it's long been confirmed there is no water in the moon. But India's technical "expertise" cannot go any farther than the moon in 2019. So it sent a phatichar spacecraft to the moon "in search of water" while it cannot even find clean drinking water for the teeming one billion in its own country. And then what happened? The unmanned moon lander got lost somewhere in space and subsequently lost contact with the country's dilapidated space agency. This comical drama involving south Asia's ""economic tiger" turned leprechaun happened on September 6. Three days later the Indian scientists, who are just as appalling a bunch of liars as their bestial PM, released a statement that amounted to nothing short of an oxymoron, claiming that the moon-lander was "located" but they still couldn't establish contact with it 😁 But Modi, the mass murderer of occupied Kashmir and Gujarat, already knew that the mission was a thundering FAILURE. After that, there was deafening silence.
First provide potable water to your own people, you fanatical nincompoops, instead of looking for it 385,000 kilometers in space!