How come Morsi grabbed sole legislative power last November disallowing the judiciary from striking down any of his laws or those of the Constituent Assembly? Prior to that, he also kicked out the entire set of old military officers associated with Mubarak's regime. One might ask, how come the Egyptian military is so silent that has always played such a dominant role?
The answer to the queries is simple. Here is how the trick is planned. On December 15, Morsi intends to put up a snap referendum on the draft constitution which not only establishes Salafist Sharia rule but also guarantees the Egyptian military complete power, benefits, control over its budget (it receives $2 billion/year from US) and almost total control over Egypt's foreign policy. Furthermore, Egypt's peace deal with Israel and US financial assistance for the Egyptian army stays intact. No wonder when Morsi curtailed the power of the judges (a move unthinkable to promote people's rule), Obama's administration ignored it and quietly looked the other way.
When Morsi kicked out the top brass that worked closely with Mubarak, many unsuspecting Egyptians were happily duped. They have been secretly hoping since long that the Egyptian "revolution" would eventually be a success, resembling the great Islamic Revolution of Iran 1979 granting total sovereignty to Egypt. But the reality exposed is so different! Those dozens of military officers associated with the old regime were booted out only to be replaced by the a new set of officers playing an identical role in the country's political arena.
The snap referendum and draft constitution coming up are little beyond a decorative piece of window dressing to fool the Egyptians yet again. The old brass has been replaced with a new one with the same institutional and economic power - a change of faces, not a change of regime. Morsi's promises have been confirmed as false. The senior members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood are not working with the Egyptian people, they are working with the Egyptian military which primarily supports Zionist interest (as Mubarak did), not the interest of the Egyptians. It's surmised that several of Morsi's inner circle are just as puzzled over his actions as are the Egyptian people and those watching around the world.
Thousands of Egytians have been protesting against Morsi's recent move. Juan Cole reports:
"The toll from fighting in Egypt between pro- and anti-Morsi activists all over Egypt was 2 dead, 451 wounded (160 or so police) and about 250 people were arrested on Sunday. (Most of the arrestees were from Muhammad Mahmoud St. off Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo. Clashes and back and forth fighting continued all day Sunday in the Tahrir area, and the number of people camping out in tents increased."
However, many who aren't supportive of Morsi haven't joined the protest against him for they are too fed up of the unrest that's been going on since February of 2011. All they want is stability, no matter how it comes. Wrapped up in their disgust and frustration, they forget to ask themselves realistically - how can stability be acquired in the presence of corrupt politics?
Morsi's supporters have been wary, fearing that Morsi's plan might enable the opposition to awaken the Egyptian people. To thwart the effort of the opposition, government supporters have been calling for mass confrontational rallies mainly from the Salafist segments of the country. Almost all Egyptian Salafists and hardliners (which are many within the country) support Morsi despite his deceitful policy. While rallying for Mubarak's ouster, members of the Muslim Brotherhood made plenty of promises and assurances to the people that they would never use the revolution as an opportunity to grab power. They went to the extent of claiming they were not interested in political power at all and would never collaborate with pro-West and pro-Zionist elements. All forgotten by the leaders and their supporters! The shame is unspeakable!!
Through the upcoming referendum, Morsi will try to seek support for his new constitution which is largely rejected as seen. More than 20 members of the Constituent Assembly consisting of 100 members have quit already, accusing Morsi that he rigged the process of writing the new constitution with only the Muslim Brotherhood having a role in preparing it. Supporters of the Freedom & Justice Party of Egypt (FJP) were particularly angry to see Morsi trying to grab absolute power, no different from his predecessor. The big purpose of the snap referendum is to get the approval of FJP supporters by portraying the referendum as being a contest between "Islam and secularism." In addition of all his other tricks, Mr. Morsi is also not refraining from using Islam as leverage for political gain.
Though the next 10 days will be crucial, having the full support of the Egyptian military and the United States, Morsi will almost certainly get his way through.
Morsi is a guy who loves red carpets. Everything else is secondary. Beware folks!
ReplyDeleteEgypt is again divided. The division might be more balanced than it was during Mubarak's time who was disliked by 90% of Egyptians. Yet it's divided quite deeply and enough to say that Morsi has failed much too soon.
ReplyDeleteSomeone at facebook asked me a while ago my opinion how to step forward regarding the current Egyptian episode. There's no more stepping forward. After all that hullabaloo since February of 2011, Egypt continues to remain stuck in that same shit-hole as it has been since the last 30 years. Egypt is NO Iran. It's time for the fans of Egypt to accept that.
ReplyDeleteYou know, there's an old story (or probably a myth) that's still circulating around that the Ikhwans supported the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1978-79. Because of that story, several Shiias and moderate Sunnis are still giving the benefit of the doubt to MB in Egypt by linking them with the old Ikhwan ideolgoy, if at all that was true. I really don't know much about it.