a great number of articles have inundated the media defending France's
military intervention in the African nation of Northern Mali. The
United States has also recently stated its support for French troops in
Mali. 'Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb' (AQIM) is the terror branch of the
Al-Qaeda network based in Mali and Algeria.
The common story is that the French are fighting Islamist terrorists in Mali to stop them from overrunning Africa and Europe. The French public has been brainwashed already. But what the Western media is not telling its people is that AQIM is a very close ally of LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) whom the French helped during the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya. Libya is now under LIFG rule and completely plunged into chaos, widespread racist and tribal infighting and genocidal killings. The French and all mainstream media are also not telling their people that while French troops are trying to drive out AQIM in Mali, they are assisting Al-Nusra front with weapons in Syria.
In 2007 Al-Qaeda's number 2, Ayman al-Zawahari, had announced an official merger between AQIM and LIFG. As Pepe Escobar writes that since 2007 "for all practical purposes, LIFG/AQIM have been one and the same - and Abdel Hakim Belhaj was/is its emir." Belhaj was the point man of NATO during its fight against Gaddafi.
Presently the "emir" of Libya, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, is handling the terror assignment in Syria. He is stationed at the Turkish/Syrian border and is again working with the blessings of NATO. That's how strong NATO has made Al-Qaeda with bases across Northern Africa and the Middle East - from Mali to Syria.
When the chaos began spreading in Libya by LIFG and NATO, it was reported that plenty of weapons "went missing," that is, went into the hands of LIFG (Al-Qaeda). Hence, Al Qaeda won't be short of lethal weapons to fight anyone they please, including their Western allies, for a long time to come.
AQIM doesn't only have its base in Northern Mali but also in Algeria since a long time. Soon after the fall of Gaddafi's government, many analysts were of the view that LIFG would help its counterpart, AQIM, in Mali and Algeria. Algerian government has expressed concern many times that LIFG rule in Libya would create a safe haven in the country for all of Al-Qaeda which would pose a great danger for Algeria. Many thanks to NATO, that's exactly what has happened in Libya - a safe haven and common base for Al-Qaeda in North Africa. Losing their small base in Afghanistan was not a problem at all. They got a far better one instead - Libya - known as the "geopolitical reordering." The conflict in Mali is not new. Trouble began brewing in Northern Mali soon after the fall of Libya. Moreover, AQIM terrorists have been a threat for Algeria for years, and they are now emboldened with LIFG's strong base in Libya. It's possible that the French troops presently chasing a AQIM in Northern Mali might succeed but nothing significant will come out of it. Those AQIM terrorists will only end up fleeing to Algeria and re-grouping. Majority of AQIM terrorists in Northern Mali are of Algerian origin. The Algerian government has long been negotiating with them. Western leaders are of the opinion that they need the support of Algerian military to flush out AQIM from Northern Mali. But having its own fears of becoming a fresh target of terrorists, Algeria hasn't shown much enthusiasm at the idea of fighting a war for the West yet. Also, with its huge foreign exchange reserves, Algeria hasn't escaped the prying eyes of the West. The West is currently trying to cajole Algeria to help them fight AQIM in Mali. But there might soon come a time when the West might need the help of AQIM to occupy Algeria .. similar to the struggles in Libya and Syria. In a state of confusion with the desire for the revival of colonization, the West is using Al-Qaeda for a double purpose simultaneously - as mercenaries to fight proxy wars on behalf of them and as rogues to be targeted by them.
The Malian story involves another factor that makes it more complicated - the presence of the heretical Toureg nomads and desert fighters of Mali who are notorious for making alliances for convenience. After the arrival of the French forces, the Touregs have offered to help them against the Al-Qaeda radicals. Prior to this, during the last two years, the Touregs helped the these Al-Qaeda radicals to make it harder for the Malian government against whom they have long been fighting for a separate homeland. As a result, Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seized many parts of Northern Mali in 2011. With the influx of weapons circulating across North Africa after the fall of Gaddafi in Libya, the Touregs in Mali launched a separatist movement in January 2012 inflicting heavy losses on the Malian army. In the process, the Malian government lost control on the AQIM radicals in Northern Mali. Hence, this part of the country is now virtually ruled by Al-Qaeda. But the alliance of convenience between Al-Qaeda and the Touregs soon fell apart after the Touregs experienced the brutal autocracy of Al-Qaeda and their goal for absolute power. And now the Touregs are supporting the French.

The Toureg nomads in Mali

Al-Qaeda (AQIM) in Northern Mali

French troops in Mali

The common story is that the French are fighting Islamist terrorists in Mali to stop them from overrunning Africa and Europe. The French public has been brainwashed already. But what the Western media is not telling its people is that AQIM is a very close ally of LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) whom the French helped during the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya. Libya is now under LIFG rule and completely plunged into chaos, widespread racist and tribal infighting and genocidal killings. The French and all mainstream media are also not telling their people that while French troops are trying to drive out AQIM in Mali, they are assisting Al-Nusra front with weapons in Syria.
In 2007 Al-Qaeda's number 2, Ayman al-Zawahari, had announced an official merger between AQIM and LIFG. As Pepe Escobar writes that since 2007 "for all practical purposes, LIFG/AQIM have been one and the same - and Abdel Hakim Belhaj was/is its emir." Belhaj was the point man of NATO during its fight against Gaddafi.
Presently the "emir" of Libya, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, is handling the terror assignment in Syria. He is stationed at the Turkish/Syrian border and is again working with the blessings of NATO. That's how strong NATO has made Al-Qaeda with bases across Northern Africa and the Middle East - from Mali to Syria.
When the chaos began spreading in Libya by LIFG and NATO, it was reported that plenty of weapons "went missing," that is, went into the hands of LIFG (Al-Qaeda). Hence, Al Qaeda won't be short of lethal weapons to fight anyone they please, including their Western allies, for a long time to come.
AQIM doesn't only have its base in Northern Mali but also in Algeria since a long time. Soon after the fall of Gaddafi's government, many analysts were of the view that LIFG would help its counterpart, AQIM, in Mali and Algeria. Algerian government has expressed concern many times that LIFG rule in Libya would create a safe haven in the country for all of Al-Qaeda which would pose a great danger for Algeria. Many thanks to NATO, that's exactly what has happened in Libya - a safe haven and common base for Al-Qaeda in North Africa. Losing their small base in Afghanistan was not a problem at all. They got a far better one instead - Libya - known as the "geopolitical reordering." The conflict in Mali is not new. Trouble began brewing in Northern Mali soon after the fall of Libya. Moreover, AQIM terrorists have been a threat for Algeria for years, and they are now emboldened with LIFG's strong base in Libya. It's possible that the French troops presently chasing a AQIM in Northern Mali might succeed but nothing significant will come out of it. Those AQIM terrorists will only end up fleeing to Algeria and re-grouping. Majority of AQIM terrorists in Northern Mali are of Algerian origin. The Algerian government has long been negotiating with them. Western leaders are of the opinion that they need the support of Algerian military to flush out AQIM from Northern Mali. But having its own fears of becoming a fresh target of terrorists, Algeria hasn't shown much enthusiasm at the idea of fighting a war for the West yet. Also, with its huge foreign exchange reserves, Algeria hasn't escaped the prying eyes of the West. The West is currently trying to cajole Algeria to help them fight AQIM in Mali. But there might soon come a time when the West might need the help of AQIM to occupy Algeria .. similar to the struggles in Libya and Syria. In a state of confusion with the desire for the revival of colonization, the West is using Al-Qaeda for a double purpose simultaneously - as mercenaries to fight proxy wars on behalf of them and as rogues to be targeted by them.
The Malian story involves another factor that makes it more complicated - the presence of the heretical Toureg nomads and desert fighters of Mali who are notorious for making alliances for convenience. After the arrival of the French forces, the Touregs have offered to help them against the Al-Qaeda radicals. Prior to this, during the last two years, the Touregs helped the these Al-Qaeda radicals to make it harder for the Malian government against whom they have long been fighting for a separate homeland. As a result, Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seized many parts of Northern Mali in 2011. With the influx of weapons circulating across North Africa after the fall of Gaddafi in Libya, the Touregs in Mali launched a separatist movement in January 2012 inflicting heavy losses on the Malian army. In the process, the Malian government lost control on the AQIM radicals in Northern Mali. Hence, this part of the country is now virtually ruled by Al-Qaeda. But the alliance of convenience between Al-Qaeda and the Touregs soon fell apart after the Touregs experienced the brutal autocracy of Al-Qaeda and their goal for absolute power. And now the Touregs are supporting the French.

The Toureg nomads in Mali

Al-Qaeda (AQIM) in Northern Mali

French troops in Mali
