Comparisons of apartheid and lessons.
Britain's Cameron takes the cake in the race for deception.

At the death of Nelson Mandela, tributes from Cameron, Obama and Clinton have resulted in hypocrisy piling up to shameful proportions!
Felicity Arbuthnot writes ....
President Obama, whose litany of global assassinations by Drone, from infants to octogenarians – a personal weekly decree we are told, summary executions without Judge, Jury or trial – stated of the former South African’s President’s passing: “We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again … His acts of reconciliation … set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives.
Bill Clinton, who (illegally, with the UK) ordered the near continual bombing of Iraq throughout his Presidency (1993-2001) and the siege conditions of the embargo, with an average of six thousand a month dying of “embargo related causes”, paid tribute to Mandela as: “a champion for human dignity and freedom, for peace and reconciliation … a man of uncommon grace and compassion, for whom abandoning bitterness and embracing adversaries was … a way of life.
In the hypocrisy stakes, Prime Minister David Cameron can compete with the best. He said: "A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a towering figure in our time; a legend in life and now in death – a true global hero. On Twitter he reiterated: “A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a hero of our time" to which a follower replied, “Preferably by no-one who was in the Young Conservatives at a time they wanted him hanged, or those who broke sanctions, eh?”
M.J Akbar wrote in DAWN, "Is Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron an unabashed hypocrite, or is he merely another Conservative politician? His tribute to Nelson Mandela, delivered before cameras perched outside his famous address 10 Downing Street, was fulsome. But Cameron forgot to mention that when he was at university, he kept a ‘Hang Mandela’ poster in his rooms."
Hypocrisy is synonymous with politics, not forgetting the aspect of imperialism. As long as it's on the winning side, it looks upon every opponent as a 'criminal' worthy to be eliminated. This has been the trend since the mid 2nd millennium. During the 1980s through 90s, there was a strong backlash against colonialists & technocrats by the masses in the West. That helped to boot out apartheid from South Africa, and the corrupt NWO power players had no choice but to change their oppressive stance toward men like Nelson Mandela.
Later on, after the inside job of 9/11 which the NWO had to orchestrate to salvage its rapidly tumbling image before the proletariat, there was a reversal in global political ideology strongly in favor of the West and its Zionist allies. Presently the target is specifically the pan-Islamic state viz the Middle-East. It's two vital purposes are oil and Zionist hegemony in the region. Furthermore, the festering recession that is showing no signs of tapering has made the revival of colonialism, with its infinite avarice to rob the wealth of the weak, still more necessary. Greedy leaders who're willing to sell their sovereignty for $$$$ become good friends of the imperialist powers. Others are stamped as pariahs and outcasts.
As stated by a Facebook user, "The Muslim Ummah needs a leader who is inclusive, not exclusive, with a vision broad enough who can bring the Shiia and the Sunni schools of thought together, so that we can together carve our own destiny, rather than being pawns of the western powers." True! God Willing, some day brave and sincere personalities like late Ruhollah Khomeini, late Yasser Arafat, late Hadi Nasrullah, Hassan Nasrullah, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and many more will not be referred to as "hardliners" or "terrorists" any longer and will get the recognition they have worked so hard for.
Fortunately for the indigenous people of South Africa, apartheid is history. Unfortunately it still exists in Palestine. It's terrible repercussions are periodically felt in South Lebanon. And it has begun in Burma in the deadliest manner imaginable.
"No matter what past abuse by the former apartheid government the newsmen and commentators may mention, there is an equal, or in some cases an even greater, one not mentioned for Israel. For the Soweto and Sharpeville Massacres, we have Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and the several invasions of Southern Lebanon, the toll of these measured in thousands killed and thousands more injured. For the many people, like Mandela, arrested for opposing oppression and left to rot in prison, we have tens of thousands of illegal arrests by Israel of people also left to rot in prison and often tortured there. For the secret murders which South African security forces routinely carried out in the manner of the Argentine Junta’s “disappearing” people, we have scores of assassinations of Palestinian leaders, including not so very long ago Yasser Arafat. .. And what actually brought down the oppressive South African regime? .. once the United States was turned by its own people to join the boycott, apartheid’s days became numbered." - (John Chuckman).
As I've always believed, change will materialize only when the vast majority of Americans win against the media and start perceiving the truth for themselves. The rest of the West will then follow suit .. but not until then.
Britain's Cameron takes the cake in the race for deception.

At the death of Nelson Mandela, tributes from Cameron, Obama and Clinton have resulted in hypocrisy piling up to shameful proportions!
Felicity Arbuthnot writes ....
President Obama, whose litany of global assassinations by Drone, from infants to octogenarians – a personal weekly decree we are told, summary executions without Judge, Jury or trial – stated of the former South African’s President’s passing: “We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again … His acts of reconciliation … set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives.
Bill Clinton, who (illegally, with the UK) ordered the near continual bombing of Iraq throughout his Presidency (1993-2001) and the siege conditions of the embargo, with an average of six thousand a month dying of “embargo related causes”, paid tribute to Mandela as: “a champion for human dignity and freedom, for peace and reconciliation … a man of uncommon grace and compassion, for whom abandoning bitterness and embracing adversaries was … a way of life.
In the hypocrisy stakes, Prime Minister David Cameron can compete with the best. He said: "A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a towering figure in our time; a legend in life and now in death – a true global hero. On Twitter he reiterated: “A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a hero of our time" to which a follower replied, “Preferably by no-one who was in the Young Conservatives at a time they wanted him hanged, or those who broke sanctions, eh?”
M.J Akbar wrote in DAWN, "Is Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron an unabashed hypocrite, or is he merely another Conservative politician? His tribute to Nelson Mandela, delivered before cameras perched outside his famous address 10 Downing Street, was fulsome. But Cameron forgot to mention that when he was at university, he kept a ‘Hang Mandela’ poster in his rooms."
Hypocrisy is synonymous with politics, not forgetting the aspect of imperialism. As long as it's on the winning side, it looks upon every opponent as a 'criminal' worthy to be eliminated. This has been the trend since the mid 2nd millennium. During the 1980s through 90s, there was a strong backlash against colonialists & technocrats by the masses in the West. That helped to boot out apartheid from South Africa, and the corrupt NWO power players had no choice but to change their oppressive stance toward men like Nelson Mandela.
Later on, after the inside job of 9/11 which the NWO had to orchestrate to salvage its rapidly tumbling image before the proletariat, there was a reversal in global political ideology strongly in favor of the West and its Zionist allies. Presently the target is specifically the pan-Islamic state viz the Middle-East. It's two vital purposes are oil and Zionist hegemony in the region. Furthermore, the festering recession that is showing no signs of tapering has made the revival of colonialism, with its infinite avarice to rob the wealth of the weak, still more necessary. Greedy leaders who're willing to sell their sovereignty for $$$$ become good friends of the imperialist powers. Others are stamped as pariahs and outcasts.
As stated by a Facebook user, "The Muslim Ummah needs a leader who is inclusive, not exclusive, with a vision broad enough who can bring the Shiia and the Sunni schools of thought together, so that we can together carve our own destiny, rather than being pawns of the western powers." True! God Willing, some day brave and sincere personalities like late Ruhollah Khomeini, late Yasser Arafat, late Hadi Nasrullah, Hassan Nasrullah, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and many more will not be referred to as "hardliners" or "terrorists" any longer and will get the recognition they have worked so hard for.
Fortunately for the indigenous people of South Africa, apartheid is history. Unfortunately it still exists in Palestine. It's terrible repercussions are periodically felt in South Lebanon. And it has begun in Burma in the deadliest manner imaginable.
"No matter what past abuse by the former apartheid government the newsmen and commentators may mention, there is an equal, or in some cases an even greater, one not mentioned for Israel. For the Soweto and Sharpeville Massacres, we have Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and the several invasions of Southern Lebanon, the toll of these measured in thousands killed and thousands more injured. For the many people, like Mandela, arrested for opposing oppression and left to rot in prison, we have tens of thousands of illegal arrests by Israel of people also left to rot in prison and often tortured there. For the secret murders which South African security forces routinely carried out in the manner of the Argentine Junta’s “disappearing” people, we have scores of assassinations of Palestinian leaders, including not so very long ago Yasser Arafat. .. And what actually brought down the oppressive South African regime? .. once the United States was turned by its own people to join the boycott, apartheid’s days became numbered." - (John Chuckman).
As I've always believed, change will materialize only when the vast majority of Americans win against the media and start perceiving the truth for themselves. The rest of the West will then follow suit .. but not until then.
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