Some images of a passionate, endless honeymoon.
don't think there is a single AQ leader whom this murder fan, McCain,
has not met. He simply has this uncontrollable desire to meet with
killers and enhance their capacity to kill.

McCain, meeting with Hakim Belhaj, a notorious terrorist who was imprisoned in Libya. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Belhaj fought NATO troops and then helped NATO in Libya, and they made him military governor of Tripoli.
McCain, meeting with Hakim Belhaj, a notorious terrorist who was imprisoned in Libya. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Belhaj fought NATO troops and then helped NATO in Libya, and they made him military governor of Tripoli.
McCain's clandestine trip to war-torn Syria: U.S. Senator John McCain meets with Free Syrian Army General Salim Idris and Razan Shalab AlSham, Field Director of Syrian Emergency Task Force during a surprise visit to Syria in this May 27, 2013. The two younger men on the left next to McCain and behind him are notorious AQ terrorists.
Razan Shalab Al-Sham is a Syrian woman who has been working, based in Turkish/Syrian border, to bring supplies into the country for the Syrian Emergency Task Force.
Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) is a U.S. based organization which is the lifeline of Al-Qaeda terrorists. SETF advocates for the armed overthrow of the government of Syria and U.S. involvement in Syrian invasion through congressional office visits, media propaganda and key foreign policies. SETF it is also committed to supporting the overthrow of the government of Cuba.
(From the blog of Brendan McNeil): The black flag of al-Qaeda behind him in Syria, May 2013 - nice one Senator McCain, proving that both Democrats and Republicans have completely passed their 'used by date' when it comes to understanding what is in their own best interests.
However, not content with his ‘success’ in Syria, he visited Egypt on first week of August where the Egyptians had this to say about him: A top adviser to Egypt’s Interim President Adly Mansour formally accused McCain of distorting facts to the benefit of the Brotherhood. He dismissed McCain’s recent remarks as “irrational” and “moronic.” Ahmed Al-Zind head of the Egyptian Judge Club, has called for the arrest and trial of McCain for “trying to destroy Egypt.” The leader of the youth movement Tamarod (meaning “Rebellion,” against the Brotherhood), which played a major role in mobilizing the June 30 revolution, said: “We reject John McCain and call on the international community to let the [Egyptian] people decide their own fate.”
Amidst the Al-Qaeda clutter in Libya after the murder of Libyan President, Muammar Qaddafi. On his left is US ambassador Chris Stevens who was later killed by McCain's beloved terrorists in much the same way they killed Qaddafi to which Stevens had given the thumbs-up. What goes around comes around.
McCain with Libyan rebel military leader, Abdel Fatah Yunus, as he tours the headquarters of Libyan rebel fighters about six months before the murder of Gaddafi on April 2011.
JOHN McCAIN MEETS THE MERCHANT OF DEATH: Suu Kyi wallowing in the Zionist military-industrial complex with international financiers of killers, John McCain and
Joe Liberman.