As the unstoppable
humanitarian catastrophe worsens by the day, the beasts of the
international community can think nothing beyond politics.
It's time to shift focus from the political dimension of the Syrian war to the humanitarian front. No matter who wins or who loses, this war should needs to STOP. How can any issue take priority over human suffering when it reaches such incredible, mind-blowing proportions? !!
1 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, 1 million in Lebanon, 600,000 in Jordan. More than 200 dying per day within Syria. 6,000 have died since the "peace" negotiations at Geneva2 and no one even talks of them. Almost 5 million Syrians are homeless within Syria, refugees in their own country, living in abandoned buildings and relying almost completely on aid agencies for basic amenities. Many of the injured, particularly those suffering from severe burns in need of immediate treatment aren't getting any medical help at all. Syria's healthcare system has suffered a very heavy blow in the 3-year war and is almost non-functional. According to reporter Chris Doyle at least 250,000 Syrians in besieged areas like the old city in Homs are struggling "in horrific circumstances barely surviving on leaves, grass or roots."
Another few years and the war doesn't end, Syria's entire population of 23 million could get affected - killed, displaced, orphaned, maimed for life, emotionally scared forever, death due to starvation.

It's time to shift focus from the political dimension of the Syrian war to the humanitarian front. No matter who wins or who loses, this war should needs to STOP. How can any issue take priority over human suffering when it reaches such incredible, mind-blowing proportions? !!
1 million Syrian refugees in Turkey, 1 million in Lebanon, 600,000 in Jordan. More than 200 dying per day within Syria. 6,000 have died since the "peace" negotiations at Geneva2 and no one even talks of them. Almost 5 million Syrians are homeless within Syria, refugees in their own country, living in abandoned buildings and relying almost completely on aid agencies for basic amenities. Many of the injured, particularly those suffering from severe burns in need of immediate treatment aren't getting any medical help at all. Syria's healthcare system has suffered a very heavy blow in the 3-year war and is almost non-functional. According to reporter Chris Doyle at least 250,000 Syrians in besieged areas like the old city in Homs are struggling "in horrific circumstances barely surviving on leaves, grass or roots."
Another few years and the war doesn't end, Syria's entire population of 23 million could get affected - killed, displaced, orphaned, maimed for life, emotionally scared forever, death due to starvation.

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