Palestinian Minister, 55-year-old Ziad Abu Ain - father of four - had scheduled a peaceful visit to the Palestinian village of Turmusiya (near Ramallah) to plant olive trees on international Human Rights Day (Dec.10). He was assaulted and savagely beaten to death by three Israeli soldiers after he walked up to them to ask why he was blocked. Eye witnesses including Abu Ain's assistant, Mohammed Mohesin, saw an Israeli soldier grab the minister's throat. Then a second soldier choked him by punching him forcefully on the throat and a third vigorously head butted him on his chest .. all this amid heavy tear gas firing. Abu Ain collapsed and died soon after. Israeli doctors claimed the minister died of "blockage of the coronary artery." Autopsy indicated the opposite. The death was caused by a heavy blow; no signs of any natural causes. Abu Ain's front teeth were broken and fell to the back of his mouth that caused food to regurgitate and enter the airway. This is NOT the symptom of blocked artery.
I ask yet again, where are the humanitarians? Every Tom, Jane and Harry claims to be one - movie stars, rock stars, models, royals. A senior Palestinian minister gets barbarically murdered, unprovoked, in broad daylight on Human Rights' Day and none of those claimants step forward, not even to express a word of sorrow?
Human rights violated ON INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY followed by a deafening silence! This time Western hypocrisy needs the loudest applause, officially mocking the concept of human rights FOREVER !!

Source: Common Dreams

Source: East
Source: Daily Sabah

Source: Daily Sabah

Abu Ain's daughter grieves at her father's funderal.
Source: Common Dreams

Family and officials mourn the Minister's death.
Source: Asia

Grieving members of the Minister's family.
Source: BBC via Reuters
Palestinian honor guards carry the Minister's coffin.
Source Reuters

Ziad Abu Ain's coffin surrounded by thousands of mourners.
Source: Ya Libnan

Palestinian officials, family and friends offering funeral prayers.
Source of image: BBC via Getty Images
And below - striking resemblance, huh? A hint at the broad and general similarity ... that sameness between evils is sometimes both from the inside and outside.

Daesh-IS leader in conversation with another Mossad agent, John McCain in Syria 2013, full image at: Syrian Free Press at Wordpress
Source of 2nd image, murder of Palestinian Minister Abu Ain in progress: Common Dreams
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