Image source: CBC - Rohingya children go from terror in Myanmar to refugee camp chaos.

Image source CBC - Rohingya children go from terror in Myanmar to refugee camp chaos.
We are used to seeing war-ravaged and emotionally tormented children in Palestine, Syria and Yemen. And now, Rohingya kids are facing the same plight. They are so severely traumatized that it will take them years to heal, if they ever do. Many are orphans, their parents murdered by Buddhist forces or mobs. These children are starving, the camps are without food. In a state of deep emotional trauma, they stand for hours at the roadside for food trucks to pass. Often they wander far off in search of food, aren't able to find their way back and are never seen again. Thousands of children barely 10 years of age are laden with the responsibility of adults, caring for their younger siblings .. an identical plight as the orphans of Gaza and Syria.
Just a couple of excerpts from CBC report Rohingya children go from terror in Myanmar to refugee camp chaos.
"Abdul Hamid has the wide-open smile of a child and the eyes of an adult. By age 12, the Rohingya boy has seen more than anyone should have to see in a lifetime. He saw his father shot by "Burma soldiers," he volunteers in a calm yet deeply unsettling tone, lifting two fingers of his right hand to illustrate the act. When his father didn't die right away, he saw the soldiers slash his throat. His mother fled their home in Myanmar with Hamid and four younger siblings. They hid in forests for days and then walked for two days to reach the safety of Bangladesh. Now he is the "elder" of his family, he says. So he tries to provide for them — as best he can in a place where hundreds of thousands of people share his family's desperation. He stands on one edge of a vast, muddy field with a group of other boys, hoping that a passing aid truck will throw him some packets of food."
"There's a 10-year-old boy who crossed the border clutching his six-year-old sister. A neighbour brought the two children after both their parents were killed. "For many days he did not speak," Khyrunnahar says. Finally, he said, "The family he stays with does not love me." "He loves to be held and hugged,:" but is clearly missing that, she says, but she also understands the problems of the family that brought him to safety. They're struggling too."
Fatema Khyrunnahar is a UNICEF child protection officer.
Please take the time to read the complete report at the above CBC link.
Call a spade a spade. Instead the Western world is working on constructing excuses to condone Su Kyi's complicity in state sponsored terror, mass murder and genocide. The old woman may end up getting another "Nobel Prize" but surely neither she nor her genocidal government will be punished for their immeasurable crimes.
Image source FNA
Lining up for food. Food trucks are eagerly awaited but rarely arrive. Image source FNA
Emotional trauma for Rohingya women and children has been unprecedented. Many of the orphaned children have seen the brutal killings of their parents before their eyes. Many women have seen the the vicious murders of their husbands, parents, children and siblings .. and many, just many, Rohingya women have been victims of rape at the hands of Buddhist military and vigilante mobs. Image source FNA
This genocide began in June 2012. It took the world five years to notice it when over 450,000 Rohingyas had been killed, orphaned, raped and displaced.
Until the present more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled violence erupting through the western province in Burma. At least a quarter of a million are orphaned child refugees since last August 2017. Even the delivery of basic food is hardly a priority for the United Nations. Providing counseling for the emotionally distraught is a far cry.
Until the present more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled violence erupting through the western province in Burma. At least a quarter of a million are orphaned child refugees since last August 2017. Even the delivery of basic food is hardly a priority for the United Nations. Providing counseling for the emotionally distraught is a far cry.
Couple of days ago, September 23, Bangladesh officials stated that the influx of Rohingya refugees into their country had slowed. Rohingya Muslim leaders are of the opinion that the influx of refugees has slowed or stopped because almost all Rohingya villages are now completely empty, burned and turned into ashes as seen in satellite images. The Burmese government plans to settle Buddhist families in these villages ... identical to the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Palestine. While the genocidal leader Su Kyi lied to the world that there were no military operations, until Friday September 22 satellite images showed Burmese military and Buddhist vigilantes continuing their violence torching Rohingya villages. And that's not all. Neither does the Burmese government allow the fleeing Rohingyas to leave in safety. Those seen fleeing are chased and hacked to death. Border areas between Burma and Bangladesh - the precise path from where the Rohingyas are crossing over to Bangladesh - are dotted with landmines because of which many have sustained serious injuries including little children. Several have lost their limbs.
It leaves one completely dumbstruck to watch the galling bias, in that,
this genocidal tragedy suffered by the Rohingyas is viewed as a matter of protecting the Buddhist reputation by many spheres within the Western society, including the circle of human rights'
activists (of all persons) who perpetually claim "humanity first." Similar to the protection of Zionist crimes, the propaganda of painting Buddhists as
"peaceful" has been one of the oldest ploys of the New World's political
infrastructure to serve the surreptitious purposes of the elite
establishment, starting with the dalai lama, the CIA's oldest paid
worker since the 1950s.
Though many activists have been able to catch the various underhand political ruses of the Western global establishment, this wily
subterfuge about "peaceful Buddhists" is one thing most Western
activists prefer to get fooled about rather than expose it. All those left wing observers, activists and analysts who have thankfully been vocal in uncovering the deception in Syria, Libya and Palestine, have taken an unsympathetic and ugly u-turn concerning the gut-wrenching mass killings of the Rohingyas. Barely a few have spoken about it, and those who have, ridiculously portray it as an "economy-related" conflict, carefully ignoring the manifest truth of a Noble Laureate presiding over a bloodied and horrifying phase of ethnic cleansing.
In the sprawling Rohingya
refugee camps in Bangladesh (also shown via satellite images), there are just a few human rights workers, mostly Muslims. Majority of non-Muslim activists aren't interested in taking care of this particular human
suffering ensuing from a genocide committed by "peaceful Buddhists." Nine out of every ten Westerners (if not all ten) prefer to be on denial. How fast the human mind has the capacity to turn itself into a complex wad of filth!
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