Surely the best response on the siege of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
With so much talk of the 25th Amendment, impeachment and a slew of resignations, the militant chief of Trump Tower finally got rattled. After inciting the impoverished proletariat and white supremacist terrorists for months and praising their vandalistic siege of US Capitol on January 6, Donald T. suddenly changed his tone that transition of power on January 20, 2021 would be smooth and "those who broke the law will pay." Too little too late. Reminiscent of the Quranic Verse "Satan was ever man's deserter in the hour of need." (25:29). Spot on! That's precisely what the Trump Tower chief did with the people he needed to use for achieving his purpose.
Though it's doubtful his rants will discontinue after January 20, a role he knows suits him best. Always cut out to be a fiery militant, a demagogue or a ruthless cult leader, NEVER a president who somehow made his way into the White House taking advantage of a country with rising fascism among a mass of illiteracy .. a reminder of how it all began in Germany early 20th century (with slight adjustments of course).
But ever pondered on what's really interesting? The white rioters claim "we respect the law .. we're good people .. the government made us like this." Is there a message for America here? Which government? After all, Trump never made any bones about not being a populist interested to deliver to the common masses. Even Joe Biden may appear too socialist in comparison. Did the rioters storm the Capitol only to support Trump or was it a more generalized reaction to vent decades of pent up fury and misery? Maybe America needs to be more introspective, give up the hardcore capitalism and slide closer to a welfare state. Instead of discreetly goading capitalism with shrewd statements like "Americans don't want handouts," America needs to realize that for every wealthy family in the world's "richest" country, there are scores who are lining up at Food Banks for basic meals. They damn well need "handouts."
Coming back to the visible:
What was enough to make the most mindless of dimwits collapse with astonishment was the comparison of police reaction, handling the vandals raiding the Capitol with the BLM protesters few months ago. Needless to say, despite the hair-raising anarchy, the riot police in the Capitol was pathetically benign. Curfew was imposed by DC mayor at 6 p.m. ET. But those fierce and intimidating radicals (similar to the Chetniks of Serbia 1990s) didn't budge for hours and the police just stood and watched with endless patience. Except for one female invader who tried to climb inside the Capitol through a window, no one suffered gunshot wounds. In one of America's darkest days in history, the riot police used batons, not guns. Fine, but imagine if the invading vandals were people of color. There would be a bloodbath in the Capitol. Instead, after the white radical terrorists ransacked the Capitol, the blacks had to do the major cleanup.
The cringing story gets more appalling. At the end of the day after "lifting" the siege of the Capitol, the vandals "then retire for the evening to the Grand Hyatt for a nightcap and a good night's sleep .." As seen in a video taken by a Bloomberg reporter posted on Twitter, William Turton writes "Pretty chill vibe here in this hotel lobby, as Trump supporters decompress from today’s events. All are violating local mask rules, despite multiple massive signs about the mask rule. After I took this video, several Trump supporters harassed me and tried to follow me to my room. One accused me of being “antifa.” Hotel security intervened and moved me to new room. What a weird day. The Trump supporters demanded that I delete the video. One woman flashed her taser at me, and threatened to mace me. I should also say for the record: the hotel staff and security were extremely professional and polite, and got me out of a bad situation."
Just as disgusting, the far-left (such as Grayzone and many more) that has never been very different from the far-right (horseshoe theory) is making absurd comparisons, for instance .. if subverting the government of Nicolas Maduro is okay, why blame the 'Trump Nation' vandals? Or, if the Hong Kong protesters have a goal, why not those who stormed the Capitol?
Last but not least, the Capitol will need to be vigorously cleaned and disinfected. Many of those 'Chetniks' of America would surely be Covid-19 positive, yet oblivious to the core as most wouldn't even know to spell 'pandemic.'
In a climate of stupefied horror one wonders, where has the human rationale vanished? It doesn't take a genius to discern that with the passing of decades, the newfangled human temperament is desperate to return to primitive times.
Related topics:
Trump has now lost even his closest ally, the VP, Mike Pence. Think of it, the guy almost got his VP killed while orchestrating the siege of the Capitol. Trump was angry with Pence for not overturning the election result while presiding over the certification. The violent mob of domestic terrorists that invaded the Capitol could be heard yelling "where is Pence?" and "hang Pence." It all proves how carefully this violent episode was orchestrated by Donald T. through the vandals who terrorized the Capitol. Some of this story @ Business Insider.
And .. amazing, the Mr. Trump calls his domestic terrorists "patriots." They sure have their own definition of a "patriot" - defecating in the US Capitol building. Story @ RawStory.